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Why choose us as your migration and visa advisor?

01. Licenced Professional Migration Agent 

We are an immigration assistance business led by our principal, a licensed reliable migration agent registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority, Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.

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02. Australian Migration Law Qualification

We have knowledge and qualifications of Australian migration law and other relevant Australian laws, evidenced by our principal's Graduate Certificate of Australian Migration Law and Practice awarded by the Australian National University, and Graduate Diploma in Corporate Law awarded by the University of Melbourne.

03. Serious Research and Application of Australian Migration law

Our visa and migration services are based on serious research of the Australian migration law and regulations, including Migration Act 1958 (Cth) and Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth), ensuring correct law and regulations and policies are applied to your specific visa application and migration matter.

04. Most Up-to-Date Migration law Database

We always keep a continuously updated migration law, regulations, and policies database to ensure the migration and citizenship law, regulations, and policies we are referring to are always good and most current.

We use the same database of migration and citizenship legislation and policy, LEGENDcom, which is used by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs visa officers.

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05. Compliance With Our Professional Code of Conduct

We provide our services to you honestly, fairly, and diligently, which is in full compliance with our professional Code of Conduct

06. Looking After Your Lawful Best Interests

Looking after your lawful interests is our top priority. We ensure that your visa and migration matters are handled professionally with due care, to maximize the chance of success of your visa applications.

Australian Migration Agents  Consumer Guide

Ready to apply for an Australian visa?

Please click the + button to get a confidential assessment and order our Australian Visa Application Package online!

Or simply contact us via the contact details listed below.

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