Subclass 188 Business Innovation and Investment visa - Business innovation stream
If you want to permanently migrate to Australia through owning and managing a business or making investments, you could consider applying for a Subclass 188
Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa - Business innovation stream
Subclass 188 Business Innovation and Investment visa - Business innovation stream
If you have business skills, you could apply for this visa and enable you to operate a new or existing business in Australia.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
Operate a new or existing business in Australia
Bring eligible members of your family with you
Apply for a permanent Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) in the Business Innovation stream
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
Operate a new or existing business in Australia.
Be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency.
Score at least 65 on the points test
Provide proof of your business success (annual turnover, ownership interest)
You, your partner, or you and your partner together, have total net business and personal assets of at least AUD 1.25 million.
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!