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Child Visa Suclass 101 Subclass

Child Visas

If you want to apply for a permanent resident visa by joining your parent who is an Australian, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, you might be qualified for a Child Visa.


Subclass 101 Child visa 

What can you do with this visa?


With a Subclass 101 Child visa, you can:

  • ​migrate to Australia as a permanent resident

  • study and access Medicare

  • apply for Australian citizenship if eligible

Key eligibility criteria:


To apply for a Subclass 101 Child visa, you must:

  • be a dependent child of a parent who is an Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand citizen or holder of an Australian permanent visa

  • be under 18 years, a full-time student aged over 18 and under 25 and financially dependent on the parent, or over 18 and unable to work due to a disability

  • be single and dependent on the parent

  • be outside Australia when the application is made

Ready to apply for this visa?

Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!


Subclass 802 Child visa 

What can you do with this visa?


With a Subclass 802 Child visa, you can:

  • ​migrate to Australia as a permanent resident

  • study and access Medicare

  • apply for Australian citizenship if eligible

Key eligibility criteria:


To apply for a Subclass 802 Child visa, you must:

  • be a dependent child of a parent who is an Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand citizen or holder of an Australian permanent visa

  • be under 18 years, a full-time student aged over 18 and under 25 and financially dependent on the parent, or over 18 and unable to work due to a disability

  • be single and dependent on the parent

  • be in Australia when the application is made

Ready to apply for this visa?

Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!


Subclass 445 Dependent Child visa 

What can you do with this visa?


With a Subclass 445 Dependent Child visa, you can:

  • move to or stay in Australia until your parent's permanent partner visa application being processed

  • travel to and from Australia

  • work and study in Australia

Key eligibility criteria:


To apply for a Subclass 445 Dependent Child visa, you must:

  • be a dependent child of the visa-holding parent

  • be sponsored by the nominator or sponsor of the visa-holding parent

Ready to apply for this visa?

Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!

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