Skilled Migration Visas
If you want to work in Australia either temporarily or permanently, you could apply for one of the following visas.
Subclass 189 Skilled independent visa
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
work and study anywhere in Australia
sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
if eligible, become an Australian citizen
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list
have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
be invited to apply for this visa
satisfy the points test
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
work and study anywhere in Australia
sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
if eligible, become an Australian citizen
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
have an occupation on the relevant skilled list
have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
be invited to apply for this visa
satisfy the points test
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
stay in Australia for 5 years
live, work and study in a designated regional area of Australia
Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want, while the visa is valid
Apply for permanent residence after 3 years from the time your visa is granted
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be nominated to apply by a state or territory government agency, or an eligible relative must sponsor you
have an occupation on a relevant skilled occupation list
have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
be invited to apply
satisfy the points test
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 858 Global Talent visa
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
stay in Australia permanently
work and study in Australia
enrol in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare
sponsor your relatives to come to Australia
travel to and from Australia for 5 years
if eligible, apply for Australian citizenship
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in one of the following areas:
a profession
a sport
the arts
academia and research
have a nominator with a national reputation in your area of talent who is:
an Australian citizen,
an Australian permanent resident,
an eligible New Zealand citizen, or
an Australian organisation
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa (Direct Entry stream)
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
live, work and study in Australia indefinitely
sponsor eligible family members to come to Australia
apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
have an occupation that is on the list of eligible skilled occupations
have at least 3 years relevant work experience, unless you are exempt
have a positive skills assessment, unless you are exempt
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
live, work and study only in designated regional areas of Australia for 5 years
travel to and from Australia for 5 years
if eligible, apply for permanent residence after 3 years from the time your visa is granted
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be nominated to work in an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list
have at least 3 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation
have a relevant skills assessment, unless an exemption applies
work only for your sponsor or associated entity, unless an exemption applies
be under 45 years of age, unless an exemption applies
meet minimum standards of English language proficiency
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 476 Skilled—Recognised Graduate visa
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
work and study
stay in Australia up to 18 months
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be under 31 years of age
have completed an engineering degree at a specified educational institution in the past 2 years
not have previously been the primary visa holder of a subclass 476 or 485 visa
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 887 Skilled Regional visa
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
work and study anywhere in Australia
sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
hold an eligible visa or have held an eligible visa that expired outside Australia during the concession period
have lived for at least 2 years and worked full time for at least 1 year in a specified regional area, unless COVID-19 concessions apply
have complied with the conditions of the eligible visa you hold or have held
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa -Graduate Work stream
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
live, study and work in Australia temporarily
bring your family members
stay in Australia for up to 2 years or 5 years if you hold Hong Kong passport
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be under 50 years of age
hold an eligible visa
have held a student visa in the last 6 months
have a qualification relevant to an occupation on the skilled occupation list
have applied for a skills assessment in your nominated occupation on the skilled occupation list
provide evidence of adequate health insurance for all applicants when you apply
provide evidence you have applied for an AFP check when you apply
provide evidence of the required level of English with the application
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa -Post-Study Work stream
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
live, study and work in Australia temporarily
bring your family members
stay in Australia for up to 2 years or 5 years if you hold Hong Kong passport
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be under 50 years of age
have applied for and been granted your first student visa on or after 5 November 2011
hold an eligible visa
have held a student visa in the last 6 months
have a recent degree in a CRICOS-registered course
provide evidence of adequate health insurance for all applicants when you apply
provide evidence you have applied for an AFP check when you apply
provide evidence of the required level of English with the application
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage Visa -Short-term stream
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
work in Australia for up to 2 years or up to 4 years if an International Trade Obligation (ITO) applies. Hong Kong passport holders may stay up to 5 years
travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid
if eligible, apply for permanent residence
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be nominated to work in an occupation on the list of eligible short-term skilled occupations
have at least 2 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation or a related field
have a relevant skills assessment if this is required for your occupation
work only for your sponsor or associated entity, unless you are exempt
meet minimum standards of English language proficiency unless you are exempt from needing to show this
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage Visa -Medium-term stream
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
work in Australia for up to 4 years or up to 5 years if you are a Hong Kong passport holder
study (you won't receive government assistance)
travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid
if eligible, apply for permanent residence
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be nominated to work in an occupation on the list of eligible medium and long-term skilled occupations
have at least 2 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation or a related field
have a relevant skills assessment if this is required for your occupation
work only for your sponsor or associated entity, unless you are exempt
meet minimum standards of English language proficiency unless you are exempt from needing to show this
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!