Visitor Visas
If you want to come to Australia for a holiday, or visiting family or friends, or for business reasons, you might consider applying for a a Visitor visa.
Visitor visa (subclass 600)
Tourist stream (apply in Australia)
This visa stream lets you visit Australia as a tourist, to see family and friends or for purposes other than business or medical treatment.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
visit family or friends
be in Australia as a tourist, for a cruise, or for purposes other than business or medical treatment
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
intend to stay in Australia to visit only
have enough money for your stay in Australia
be in Australia when you apply and when we decide your application
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Visitor visa (subclass 600)
Tourist stream (apply outside Australia)
This visa stream lets you visit Australia as a tourist, to go on a cruise or to see family and friends.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
visit family or friends
be in Australia as a tourist, for a cruise, or for purposes other than business or medical treatment
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
intend to stay in Australia to visit only
have enough money for your stay in Australia
be outside Australia when you apply and when we decide your application
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Visitor visa (subclass 600)
Sponsored family stream
This visa stream lets you who are sponsored, usually by a family member, come to Australia to visit your family members.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
visit family or friends
cruise or have a holiday
study or train for up to 3 months
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
have a sponsor
intend to come to Australia as a visitor only
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Visitor visa (subclass 600)
Business visitor stream
This visa stream lets you visit Australia for business reasons.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
make general business or employment enquiries
negotiate contracts
take part in a conference or trade fair. You can't be paid by the organisers to take part
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
be a genuine visitor travelling to Australia for business visitor activities
be outside Australia when you apply and when we decide your application
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Visitor visa (subclass 600)
Frequent traveller stream
This visa stream is for citizens of the People's Republic of China who travel often to Australia for business or personal reasons.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
be a tourist, cruise or have a holiday
visit family or friends
undertake business visitor activities
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
hold a passport from and be a citizen of the People's Republic of China
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 601
Electronic Travel Authority
This visa lets you visit Australia as often as you wish in a 12-month period. Stay up to 3 months each time you enter Australia.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
visit family or friends
cruise or have a holiday
undertake some business visitor activities
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
apply from outside Australia
have an eligible passport
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!
Subclass 651 eVisitor
This visa lets you visit Australia as often as you wish in a 12-month period. Stay up to 3 months each time you enter Australia.
What can you do with this visa?
With this visa, you can:
visit family or friends
cruise or have a holiday
undertake business visitor activities
study or train for up to 3 months, in some circumstances
Key eligibility criteria:
You must:
apply from outside Australia
hold a passport from a particular country
Ready to apply for this visa?
Please click the "Apply" button to apply for this visa!